in.named filling Solaris swap space (newbie)

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at
Tue May 15 17:33:06 UTC 2001

At 9:45 AM +0000 5/15/01, Tom Hartley wrote:

>  Problem is that it's climbing inexorably up again. Checking the docs
>  (O'Reilly networking bookshelf) all I can find are limits on the data
>  segment, the stack size and the core size. It looks like I should set the
>  datasize limit to something reasonable, but what is reasonable?

	IIRC, using this option means that your nameserver will roll over 
and die when it hits the limit you specify.  This is probably not 
what you want.

>  Do I need to add 'datasize 64M;' to options or is there something else I
>  should try first? Any suggestions gratefully received.

	Earlier versions of BIND are known to have had memory leaks, 
which may be causing the problems you're seeing.  I don't know if 
these have been fixed in 8.2.4, but I'm pretty sure that they are not 
to be found in 9.1.2.  I would recommend that you upgrade your 
nameservers to BIND 9.1.2 and see if the problem persists.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at>

/*        efdtt.c  Author:  Charles M. Hannum <root at>          */
/*       Represented as 1045 digit prime number by Phil Carmody         */
/*     Prime as DNS cname chain by Roy Arends and Walter Belgers        */
/*                                                                      */
/*     Usage is:  cat title-key scrambled.vob | efdtt >clear.vob        */
/*   where title-key = "153 2 8 105 225" or other similar 5-byte key    */

dig|perl -ne'if(/^x/){s/[x.]//g;print pack(H124,$_)}'

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