Delegating class C's

Robert Gahl bgahl at
Tue May 15 17:14:56 UTC 2001

I've been pouring over the 3rd edition of DNS & BIND for delegating 
reverses and I'm, well, confused (or, at least, I'm confused on a higher 
plain. Here's the situation.

We run a non-routeable class C in our office (192.168.254). We are creating 
other 192.168.x "sub-domains" for labs and such, but we need to delegate 
not just the forward but the reverse to these DNS servers as well. Rather 
than go into, say, db.192.168.0, and list 255 entries of (looking at page 
217 of the book):       IN CNAME

with   IN NS 

is there a short hand that says, give the entire class C to the machine Or, do I just have to pre-delegate each IP within 
the master DNS server's db.192.168.254 zone file?

BTW, Cricket, thanks for the article on views. I've been wanting to do just 
that (internal vs. external) to provide an "external" DNS server, but as a 
secondary to our internal DNS server, but yet have that "external" DNS 
server act as primary for the world's view of us.

Bob Gahl Bicycle (Ryan Vanguard) Mobile ||     @
     ARPA/Internet: bgahl at     ||  !_ \
    URL:    ||  (*)-~--+--(*)
"Sahn joong moe low ful how jee yah ching wong" - "When the
mountain has no tigers, the monkey will also declare himself
king." Chinese Proverb

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