testing the resolver

Sogor Laszlo sogor at mars.arts.u-szeged.hu
Mon May 14 09:49:22 UTC 2001

Hello all!

On Wed, 2 May 2001, Doug Barton wrote:

> > 
> > I want to test the resolver that comes with bind 9.1.1 
> > How would I check that the resolver is doing what I want?
> 	Create an application that does simple things like gethostbyname(),
> etc. and link it specifically with the resolver libs you're trying to
> test. 

I want to use lwresd and the resolver lib of bind-9.1.2 to get AAAA record
of a host from a ruinning DNS server (bind 9.1.2). 

I use gethostbyname2 (glibc 2.1, Linux) in my program.

-- -- --
lwserver 921
nameserver 3ffe:2700:70:1::2
-- -- --

The lwresd is up and running, my config file:
-- -- --
options {
     directory "/etc/bind";
     pid-file "/var/run/lwres.pid";
     allow-query { any; };// This is the default
     allow-recursion { any; };
     recursion yes;// Do not provide recursive service
     listen-on-v6 port 921 { any; };
     listen-on port 921 {; };
     query-source-v6 address 3ffe:2700:70:1::5 port *;
     forwarders { 3ffe:2700:70:1::2; }; // this is a working 9.1.2

logging {
        channel query {
                file "/var/log/bind/query.lwres.log";
// Root server hints
zone "." { type hint; file "root.hint"; };
-- -- --

Bind 9.1.2 provides the following libs: libdns.so, libisc.so, liblwres.so
and libomapi.so. What is the proper lib that makes the DNS query to the
server? What do I have to link to my program? 


Laszlo Sogor

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