Installing BIND 9's MAN pages

Bob Vance bobvance at
Tue Mar 27 21:43:01 UTC 2001

In the short time that I looked at it last night, I didn't see that the
'man' pages were done with the 'make install'.  I looked very, very briefly
at the Makefiles and didn't see it, so I just manually copied them to
/usr/local/man... .

Does the BIND distro support installing the 'man' pages cleanly?

I apologize to all those with flame throwers at the ready for this
non-researched question :)
Wait.  No, I don't ;>)
Bring it on!

Tks          |  BVance at
BV           |  BobVance at
Sr. Tech. Consultant,    SBM
Vox 770-623-3430         11455 Lakefield Dr.
Fax 770-623-3429         Duluth, GA 30097-1511

-----Original Message-----
From: bind-users-bounce at [mailto:bind-users-bounce at]On
Behalf Of Christopher L. Barnard
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 3:17 PM
To: bind-users at
Subject: Re: Installing BIND 9's MAN pages

Of course, if Bind9 came with the man pages in cat format as well (a la
OpenSsh), or even better they were not in a format that half of the unix
cannot read, this problem would not even come up...

| Christopher L. Barnard         O     When I was a boy I was told that |
| cbarnard at         / \    anybody could become president.  |
| (312) 347-4901               O---O   Now I'm beginning to believe it. |
|                --Clarence Darrow |
+----------PGP public key available via finger or PGP keyserver---------+

> You might check the list archives at; this has been discussed
> recently.  Briefly, the current manpages are in groff format; you can
> put groff on your Sun, or copy the manpages to a Linux box and view them
> there.
> -----
> I have been successful in installing BIND 9.1.0 (on Solaris 7), but have
> problems integrating the accompanying man pages.  I know this isn't a
> for teaching about installing man pages, but I've seen man posting about
> this and no "eureka! that's it!" answers.  I'll use the dig file (dig.1)
> example.  Here is a much condensed list of what I've tried:

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