MySQL-Interface for bind-9 ?

Frank Gadegast phade at
Tue Mar 27 10:26:23 UTC 2001


I like to configure a bind-9 named to ask a mysql-db running
on localhost. If it gets no answer from the mysql it should
continue and answer the queries itself in the usual way.

Any infos for that ?

Kind regards, Frank
PHADE Software - PowerWeb             
Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast             mailto:frank at
Otto-Nagel-Str. 1a                                fon: +49 331 2370780
14467 Potsdam, Germany                            fax: +49 331 2370781
  PowerWeb =          Deutschlands Pauschal-Webhoster mit freiem
  Platz im Netz     Speicherplatz UND freiem Uebertragungsvolumen.

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