NS query issue

Grant Reynolds GReynolds at calamp.com
Mon Mar 26 23:36:38 UTC 2001

I'm a little new to this, so bear with me:

I have two BIND 8 servers hosting multiple domains. Querying to these server
for each domain is no problem. However, I am having a little trouble with
the following;

Servername - ns1.mydomain.com.

This is the hostname of the nameserver. When I run an nslookup on one of the
hosted domain names, I return with something like this:

ns # nslookup - ns1.mydomain.com

> set type=ns
> hosteddomain.com

hosteddomain.com nameserver = ns1.hosteddomain.com

This is obviously not correct, as it should be reporting ns1.mydomain.com as
it's primary nameserver. 

Anyone seen this before? I may have a misconfig, and I'll post my files if I
need to.


Grant Reynolds
California Amplifier
Network Administrator
greynolds at calamp.com

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