underscores in hostname

Bjorn Johansson bjorn at bitforge.com
Fri Mar 23 13:39:25 UTC 2001

In message <CBB6AC9F2470D31181880008C791B16603985CB5 at sgssb41.mindef.nl>,
HAG.Keijzer at mindef.nl writes
>Hi there
>okay okay okay I know that underscores _ are NOT allowed in hostnames.
>However, i'm in an environment with a lot of crap, and tons of names with
>I run Bind 8.2.3 on solaris (in lab), and it rejects the hostnames.
>8.1.2 warned but continued.
>Is there any solution to stop Bind from rejecting hostnames with _'s?
>I looked through the 8.2.3 docs, but couldn't find anything.
>Or is this a 'get the source and modify the parser' action?
You can do it by using the check-names ignore command.


zone "_sites.domain.dom" {
          type master;
          file "primary/db._sites.domain.dom";
          check-names ignore;
          allow-update {
Bjorn Johansson

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