forwarders are unreachable -> lookup fails?

Jim Reid jim at
Thu Mar 22 15:13:39 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Darcy <kcd at> writes:

    Kevin> The most compelling argument I can think of for centralized
    Kevin> caching is the "civic duty" argument, i.e. reduce the load
    Kevin> on the root and TLD servers by limiting the numbers of
    Kevin> servers querying them.

This should be true in theory. In reality, it would make little
difference. Approx 90% of the 5000 queries per second to are junk. IIRC 60-70% come from stub resolvers -
not name servers. A further 25% or so come from name servers looking
up unqualified local hostnames in the root zone. (Or were the
percentages the other way round?) Extra traffic from additional well
behaved and non-forwarding name servers would be lost in the noise.

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