rndc and Updated Zones in bind-9.1.0

Martin McCormick martin at dc.cis.okstate.edu
Mon Mar 5 18:13:14 UTC 2001

	I am still testing bind-9.1.0 and have made a new
discovery that has me puzzled even after reading the manual.

	I start named and it seems happy.  It answers queries and
has run for several days, now and is happily giving out whatever
the current zone was when it was first started.  I can update a
new zone, Serial number and all, give the rndc reload command and
even rndc reload zonename.  named responds in the log with

Mar 05 11:03:11.283 loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
Mar 05 11:03:11.329 no IPv6 interfaces found

	It is running, but it will not send out the new zone.  It
is still sending out whatever zone it had when the daemon was first

	What else do I need to do to make it aware of the new
master zone besides completely killing the daemon and then
restarting it.  that does seem to get its attention, but it is a
bit extreme.

Martin McCormick

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