Bind8.2.3 on NT4 Win2000 crashing.

Christian Schmit cschmit at
Mon Mar 5 16:34:40 UTC 2001

I haven't received a kit from you as far as I know or I overlooked it.
Simply sent it again and I will install it. I am really interested
to help you finding the cause of this problem.

I always get 2 errors with the same timestamp in the eventlog.
It's no copy paste error.


DM>          Can you at least install the kit I sent you, so that we can see what the
DM> real error is? That's why I sent it. I'd like to figure out what's going on, but I
DM> need your help in this.  Are you really getting two errors logged with the same
DM> time stamp or did you accidentally copy it into your message twice?

DM>                  Danny
DM> At 10:37 AM 3/5/01, Christian Schmit wrote:

>>We see the same problem here with 8.2.3 on NT4 SP6a. Before
>>we used 4.9.7 which was 100% stable. Never had a problem with this
>>version during the last 3 years.
>>In event log the following is logged:
>>02/27/01        5:22:19 PM      named   Error   None    1       N/A     MERKUR  accept: Unknown error
>>02/27/01        5:22:19 PM      named   Error   None    1       N/A     MERKUR  accept: Unknown error 
>>It happens reguarly here, approx. every 24 hours.
>>I am also looking for a solution to the problem.
>>BJ> Hi,
>>BJ> Since we upgraded from bind 4.9.3 and 4.9.5 on our primary and secondary
>>BJ> name servers, Bind occasionally stops.
>>BJ> Sometimes the service stops on both the primary and secondary at roughly
>>BJ> the same time.
>>BJ> Before the upgrade our DNS was rock solid, but since we upgraded to
>>BJ> 8.2.3, DNS has sometimes just stopped.
>>BJ> There is nothing in the system or event logs to show any cause.
>>BJ> Has anybody else experienced similar problems and know of any solution?
>>BJ> All suggestions gratefully received.
>>BJ> Thanks,
>>Best regards,
>>  Christian                            mailto:cschmit at

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