FW: bind9 questions

Timothy.Moseley at hurlburt.af.mil Timothy.Moseley at hurlburt.af.mil
Thu Mar 1 16:00:24 UTC 2001

Okay, now we are getting somewhere, if all I need to do is add a key
statement to my named.conf file that is empty then I will give that a try,
the manuals do not state that you can use a null value in the key statement.
I do not have to worry about anybody on my network running rndc, that is
what the OSI and FBI are for. I will try the null thing and let you know if
it works.

So I guess w/out the key bind9 does not work. 

Then again this is the response I get now when I do the rndc reload command

 rndc reload
rndc: connect: connection refused

Here is my rndc.conf file as it appears now:

key rndc_key {
        algorithm "hmac-md5";
        secret " ";

options {
        default-server localhost;
        default-key rndc_key;

Here is my named.conf as it appears now:

/ generated by named-bootconf.pl

acl localhost { 
controls {
        inet localhost allow {; } keys { rndc_key; };
key rndc_key { };

options {
        directory "/var/named";
        pid-file "/usr/local/etc/named.pid";
        auth-nxdomain yes;
        statistics-file "/var/named/stats";
        transfer-format many-answers;
        transfer-source  primary_internal_dns; 
        forward only;
        forwarders {
          internal firewall IP's;
        allow-transfer { none; };

Anybody have a guess?

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