More than 100 instances of named-xfer.exe running in slave server .

Danny Mayer mayer at
Tue Jun 19 11:56:17 UTC 2001

At 12:07 PM 6/18/01, Fernando Nerio Fernández wrote:

>         I just upgraded my 2 BIND Servers from 8.2.3 for NT to 8.2.4,  both
>boxes are running NT 4.0, the Master server is working fine on the other
>hand the slave server is presenting a high CPU usage due to more than 100
>instances of named-xfer.exe running at the same time, I have configured both
>servers to use IXFR instead of AXFR, I have modified the following options
>in the NAMED.CONF file,

         Use the task manager to see whether or not they are actually doing
anything.  What process is using the most CPU? If they're doing nothing
kill them off one by one and see what happens.  How many zones are you
serving on this box? If you configure your box to use AXFR, does that make
a difference?


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