named stops serving while writing out zone file

Brian Widdas brianw at
Thu Jun 14 12:59:25 UTC 2001


I'm running BIND 9.2.0a2 on FreeBSD 4.3, and have encountered something of
a problem - when acting as a slave, after transferring a zone from a
master server, named writes the new zone file to disk. While doing this,
it doesn't answer any queries. While this may not ordinarily be a problem
(a typical zone file would be written out in a fraction of a second), I
have at least one zone which is large enough that the server takes a
considerable amount of time (>20 secs) to write the file to disk. During
this time, any queries to the server time out.

This problem occurs with both 9.2.0a2 and 9.1.2, running both as single
threaded and multithreaded server. The only solution I've so far been able
to find is to not write the transferred zone to a file, but this is

Is there any way to solve this problem, or will it be fixed in a future
BIND release?


Brian Widdas
Software & System Engineer, Development
Demon Internet

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