BIND 9.1.2 and TinyDNS???

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at
Mon Jun 11 16:11:59 UTC 2001

At 4:17 PM +0100 6/11/01, James Raftery wrote:

>  ... unless I, as the administrator, decide I want otherwise. It's my
>  choice. gives referrals because I want it
>  to. I like having that choice.

	By not handing out referrals by default, I believe that TinyDNS 
is in violation of the spirit of the RFCs, if not the letter.

>  tinydns does this with aplomb:

	Thank you for pointing out this URL.  Right there on the same 
page (one paragraph down) is a note that TinyDNS does not support the 
use of TCP by default, which I consider to be another big problem.

	As the world gets older, and the data being slung around by 
nameservers gets larger, more and more sites are going to have 
problems with DNS UDP packet truncation, and those queries should be 
restarted with TCP.  However, by default, TinyDNS will not support 
that behaviour, which IMO is very seriously broken.  Again, I see 
this as a direct violation of the RFCs.

>  Less stable than what? Bind8? We could compare the published
>  vulnerabilities in BIND8 that have surfaced during the lifetime of
>  tinydns so far, but that wouldn't be nice :)

	Less stable in general.  Think about encryption algorithms.  You 
absolutely never want to trust one, just because it was written by 
someone who theoretically knows what he's doing.  Ron Rivest wrote 
RC4 (his fourth algorithm), and at the time it was believed to be 
reasonably secure.  Since then, it has since been found to have a 
number of flaws which prevent it from being seriously considered for 
use by most cryptographers.  It took a long time before people 
started to actually trust DES.  I'm sure that the same will be true 
for Rijndael, too.

	Fundamentally, TinyDNS (and all of Dan's DNS-related programs) 
simply have not existed for a long enough period of time, being 
tested on a large enough sample of machines, by a broad enough group 
of sites, for it to be seriously considered as a proven nameserver 

>  There are a number of companies supplying commercial support for djbdns.

	Who are they?  Where are they?  How big are they?  How much 
experience do they have?

	I'm not being facetious, I am seriously interested in the answers 
to these questions.

>  Dan's "fanatics" -you took your hyperbole pill this morning, didn't
>  you- are keen to help. They (we?) would like djbdns to get a fair
>  hearing so try to help people out, in the same way this list works.

	This still doesn't answer the issues of the other sources of 
information about BIND, relative to TinyDNS, or any other nameserver 
for that matter.  Having just a mailing list for support doesn't do 
you any good when your nameserver is down and you can't send and/or 
receive mail, and you can't afford to wait for help.

	Having a mailing list for support doesn't do you any good when 
you are in a situation where you are totally isolated from the 
Internet, and the only help you can bring along is your own expertise 
and read-only media (such as books and CD-ROMs).

>  I haven't seen any hard figures (if they exist please point me at them)
>  but I know it's fast enough for me.

	See the stuff that Matt Simerson has posted on the subject.  Also 
take a look at the benchmarking information that Rick Jones has at 
<>.  I challenge you to 
come anywhere close to those numbers with TinyDNS.

	As for the performance problems Bill Manning has found, you'd 
have to ask him about that.  I don't recall seeing him post any 
details on this subject.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at>

/*        efdtt.c  Author:  Charles M. Hannum <root at>          */
/*       Represented as 1045 digit prime number by Phil Carmody         */
/*     Prime as DNS cname chain by Roy Arends and Walter Belgers        */
/*                                                                      */
/*     Usage is:  cat title-key scrambled.vob | efdtt >clear.vob        */
/*   where title-key = "153 2 8 105 225" or other similar 5-byte key    */

dig|perl -ne'if(/^x/){s/[x.]//g;print pack(H124,$_)}'

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