ideas on internally DNS and externally hosted web pages..

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Mon Jun 4 23:15:45 UTC 2001

Does resolve? If not, then add an A record for to the zone, pointing to the same address as whatever the www name resolves
to. Or, you could just tell your provider that the name of the website is and that all links should use that domain name. They shouldn't
have just _assumed_ that would work...

If you already have an A record for, I'm not sure what the problem
could be. You'd have to provide more information about your environment.

- Kevin

The Entitty wrote:

> Hello DNS Group:
> Hoping you can help me out.
> I have an internal DNS server called
> The domain is I have an external provider for web pages. I point
> my DNS for www to the IP address of the web page. I understand the provider
> uses host headers. What occurs when a client internally request the website.
> The page loads but the graphics don't and hyper links don't. Externally the
> web page loads properly.
> Seems like the provider uses links like // for his
> graphics. Any ideas on a way around this
> Ron

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