xfer's to secondary - do not work 100%

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Sun Jun 3 14:38:06 UTC 2001

At 10:29 AM 6/2/01, news-no-spam-group at home.com wrote:
>I've been having problems with zone files transferring on their own to the 
>secondary DNS.
>I am able to manually xfer from the primary to secondary (but see last line 
>in this post), but if the secondary sits for am few moments it will begin 
>logging the below Err/To lines in the log file.
>Jun  2 09:14:39 ns4 named[1556]: Err/TO getting serial# for "blah-blah1.com"
>Jun  2 09:14:44 ns4 named[1556]: Err/TO getting serial# for "blah-blah2.com"
>Jun  2 09:14:48 ns4 named[1556]: Err/TO getting serial# for "blah-blah3.com"
>Jun  2 09:14:50 ns4 named[1556]: Err/TO getting serial# for "blah-blah4.com"
>If I restart ns1, the log files on ns2 begin logging the below, but notice the 
>expired line, which is a fully active domain on ns1 and the net.
>Jun  2 09:16:06 ns4 named[1556]: hint zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 0)
>Jun  2 09:16:10 ns4 named[1556]: rcvd NOTIFY(blah-blahA.com, IN, SOA) from 

Well since you chose to send the logging information for ns4 and not ns2 this
is irrelevant to questions about ns2. ns4 IS receiving NOTIFY requests from some
other node, but who knows which one since you chose to obscure helpful

The usual reason for getting "Err/TO getting serial#" errors is that either the
nameserver serving those zones is not reachable or it doesn't have the information
because the zone is invalid and therefore not loaded (check the logs of that server)
or the zone file got wiped out when doing a zone transfer.


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