DNS Round Robin Question

Pete Ehlke pde at ehlke.net
Fri Jul 27 02:57:00 UTC 2001

Stephen Perras (steve.perras at factiva.com) said, on [010726 12:47]:
> I am using dns round robin and when I do an nslookup or dig for the
> round robin name I can see that the IP addresses are alternating but
> when I try to ping the round robin name I only see the same address
> being pinged.  Also if I try to FTP to the round robin name the same
> address is always tried first.  This happens if I am working on either
> a Sun Solaris, True 64, or Windows 2k machine.
Can't speak for True64, but both Solaris and Win2k come with local
resolver caches that will produce exactly this behaviour. IMNSHO, this
is simply unmitigated evil. In solaris, at least you can disable nscd,
the cachine daemon responsible for it. You cannot disable the local
cache in Win2k, but I'm told that there is an M$ Knowledge Base note
showing how to reduce its TTL to 1 second, which effectively disables it
for human interaction.


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