Odd named behavior upon startup (8.2.4 on FreeBSD)

Forrest Aldrich forrie at navipath.com
Thu Jul 19 03:05:48 UTC 2001

I've posted about this previously, but never got a response.

We have a problem with the latest BIND 8.2.4 (and I recall this happening 
with earlier versions) where when the server first starts up, named drags 
very slowly and occupies 98% of CPU time, even after all the zones are loaded.

This is remedied by sending a HUP signal to the process:

su-2.05# top -o size -b | grep named
   140 root      48   0 38564K 38108K RUN     41:28 93.95% 93.95% named
su-2.05# killall -HUP named
su-2.05# top -o size -b | grep named
   140 root       2   0 38820K 38392K RUN     41:46 88.09% 88.09% named
su-2.05# top -o size -b | grep named
   140 root       2   0 38820K 38392K select  41:47 71.58% 71.58% named
su-2.05# top -o size -b | grep named
   140 root       2   0 39140K 38652K select  41:48 63.57% 63.57% named
su-2.05# top -o size -b | grep named
   140 root       2   0 40804K 40196K select  42:06  5.81%  5.81% named

Now this doesn't make any sense to me.  I'm trying to understand WHY this 
is happening.  There is no information I see that's unusual in the logs.

This is on FreeBSD-4.3-STABLE.


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