changing IP block

Garry Byrne garry at
Tue Jul 17 04:07:38 UTC 2001

Hi all,

Been on the list for a while now and finding it very useful.  I have been
able to get most of my answers from archives and just seeing what come
across the list, so thank you to all the knowledgeable & helpful listies
out there.

The question I have is mostly answered in various ways in the docs and
archives etc, but I was hoping for some good being there and done that
advice (this worked best for me) and or perhaps a pointer to where this is
already well address/detailed/explained.   
Q.  I have primary and secondary NS and 5 POP's (I am an ISP) all running
on a non transferable /22   I now have my own /22 that I am gradually
changing over to,  both /22's will be running for a few months till I knock
the old non transferable on the head once and for all.

I am running a debian/linux OS with bind 8.2.3-0 as I stick with the potato
debian release for software versions for ease of upgrade and security.

Garry Byrne,
Highway Internet Services         ABN: 14 088 130 269
Servicing:  Dubbo, Mudgee, Coonabarabran, Gilgandra, 
Warren, Narromine, Wellington
Enquiries 02 63723645			
garry at

Garry Byrne, Director CEO
Highway Internet Services         ABN: 14 088 130 269
Servicing:  Dubbo, Mudgee, Coonabarabran, Gilgandra, 
Warren, Narromine, Wellington
Enquiries 02 63723645			
garry at		Part of the LiSP Group

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