Does "@" in CNAME record not work?

Cricket Liu cricket at
Fri Jul 13 21:38:25 UTC 2001

> I guess if I was going to be picayunish, in the context of the text, I
> still don't really see the difference in implication between "should try
> to avoid having names with the same IP address" and "explains the impact
> of using a CNAME record versus an A record vis a vis canonicalization"?

Huh?  "Explaining the impact" is simply telling you what will happen if you
do A instead of B, so that you can make an educated decision based on
your desired outcome.  That's far from a warning like "should try to avoid."

> I mean, if it (having A records with duplicate IP addresses) has a
> (potential) impact on someone, then it still sounds to me (i.e., I still
> would infer) that I should try to avoid this if I could?

I would say that depends entirely on what that impact is, and whether it's
positive or negative.  After all, Newton's Third Law of Motion says that
nearly anything you do has an impact, and if you really believed that every
possible impact was negative, I guess you'd be stymied into total inaction.

Anyway, I don't see that this discussion (or this thread of it, anyway) is
really helping anyone anymore.


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