DNS newbie question...

Kevyn Nguyen kevyn_nguyen at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 13 01:57:31 UTC 2001

Hi all,

I sent an email to my ISP hostmaster and did not get a reply, so I thought I
post the question here.  Hope you don't mind.  Please let me know if this
question is inappropriate.

I want to host my domain zone on my DSL static IP.  I was wondering if any
can tell me what's going on in the background when I register with Network
Solutions.  I registered a domain (example: mydomainXYZ.com).  Then, I am
supposed to give a Primary and Secondary DNS of my ISP.  Now, it's unclear
to me.

1.  What do my ISP need to do?  Does the hostmaster of my ISP need to modify
his (my ISP) DNS?
2.  When ask by Network Solutions, can I just use a server name (example:
ns1.mydomainXYZ.com) as my Primary DNS?  If I do use ns1.mydomainXYZ.com,
then how does it resolve to my static IP address.

hm...  please can some explain to me?


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