What are the Negative Numbers??

Simon Waters Simon at wretched.demon.co.uk
Thu Jul 12 20:15:19 UTC 2001

Barry Margolin wrote:
> They're the TTL.  Apparently you're using an old version of software that
> thinks that TTLs are signed rather than unsigned, so any value above 2^31
> is shown as a negative number.

Is it worth mentioning that large TTL values are trimmed to
something smaller by BIND.

And as anyone familar with 32 bit Unix, 2^31 seconds is 68
years (More or less).

> ># nslookup -query=any domain.com

Another one to remember next time people ask "why dig rather
than nslookup" - your vendor nslookup may not handle unknown
RR records well, or may not know some common record types.

Do they really want BIND as a secondary to a DNS utilising
WINS? If your working on the name service now, it is
probably a good time to chuck out WINS, it was a naff
solution from day one, typical M$ fudge.

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