Problems with bind compilation. See this.

Rafael da Rosa Righi rafaelr at
Tue Jul 10 14:53:59 UTC 2001

Hello all,
        I try to compile bind in AIX 4 and I had a problem.
The length of binaries created are more than 5000 KB each one.
It's too big. How can I compile bind to create small binaries?
I tried using shared libraries and have no success.
Thank you.
Rafael Righi
Brazil - South America
OBS: I have the 8.2.4 source code of bind

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Rafael da Rosa Righi   E-mail : rafaelr at
				rafaelrr at
Estagiario Set. Sup. a Redes   - Centro de Processamento de Dados 
Curso de Ciencia da Computacao - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria 

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