NDC Options (updated)

SoloCDM deedsmis at aculink.net
Tue Jan 23 21:48:12 UTC 2001

James Raftery stated the following:
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 10:19:27AM -0700, SoloCDM wrote:
> > 1) Is it possible to get ndc stats to show the URLs for the IPs or
> > both?
> No.
> 2) Also, what are all the options for ndc (not including man
> > page); i.e.: stats, dumpdb, status, ...?
> Start ndc. Enter the command 'help' or '/h'.

Thank you for answering my question.

I have another question:  Where is the documentation for the options
that explains what they'll do?

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