forwarding question

Pete O'Hara pete at
Mon Jan 22 22:17:13 UTC 2001

I am running bind-8.2.2p7 and am having a forwarding problem. It seems
that the queries don't get passed on to the forwarders unless the
forwarders directives are listed BEFORE the "allow-updates" directive. I
realize that in bind 8 "allow-updates" is none by default but I put it
in any just to assure that it is set to none. (See the following
named.conf options section).  Does anyone know why I might need to put
the forwarders entries before the allow-update? Is this a bug? It's a
problem because we are writing scripts to modify named.conf and it would
be less complicated to not have to worrying about the physical position
of the forwarding directives.

options {
        directory "/var/named";
        dump-file "/var/tmp/named_dump.db";             //
        pid-file "/var/run/";                  // _PATH_PIDFILE

        statistics-file "/var/tmp/named.stats";         // _PATH_STATS
        memstatistics-file "/var/tmp/named.memstats";   //

        check-names master warn;
        check-names slave warn;
        check-names response warn;
        notify yes;
        datasize 20M;
        allow-transfer {
        allow-query {
         forwarders {
        forward only;
        allow-update { none; };


Thanks much,

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