named-xfer error

Jim Reid jim at
Thu Jan 11 17:22:02 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Fanti <jonathan.fanti at> writes:

    Jonathan> I have only installed the compiled versions of
    Jonathan> named-xfer and named within the sandbox - but I did
    Jonathan> double check this by moving named-xfer into the sandbox
    Jonathan> again, just in case.

    Jonathan> Would it be better installing a named-xfer and named
    Jonathan> with lib's statically compiled into them, rather than
    Jonathan> making copies of the required lib's in
    Jonathan> <sandboxdir>/usr/lib?

Probably. Programs that run from a chroot jail are usually better to
be statically linked. This should save you having to copy a bunch of
files - shared libraries, /dev/null or /dev/zero (maybe), etc, etc -
into the chroot jail. Perhaps zone transfers are failing because
named-xfer can't find these things when it is invoked by named running
in the chroot jail?

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