SMTP on port other than 25 through DNS???

count0 bind at
Fri Jan 5 20:36:25 UTC 2001

On 5 Jan 2001 12:23:30 -0800, "Mathias Körber" <mathias at>

>> >I get an IP address through dhcp from roadrunner
>> >(cable access).  I also have a second-level domain
>> >name resolving to this address through dynamic DNS
>> >(nameservers at
>> >
>> >Problem is that roadrunner blocks port 25 so I
>> >can't get any incoming mail.=20
>> I though incoming mail was on port 110 (POP3) or IMAP (not sure which
>> port) SMTP on port 25 is for sending mail
>He is trying to run his own mailserver, not just collect mail
>from a POPserver somewhere else. Thus the incoming mails would
>come via SMTP (to port 25).

oops, may bad!!

>And no, there is no current way to do this in DNS. MX records do not
>carry port information and most MTUs have port 25 hardcoded in...
>In future SRVLOC might be used to specify the port#, but until the
>majority of MTUs support that you're out of luck.
>> I don't know if it's a DNS issue or not; a mail server is a mail
>> server, just configure it to listen on a different port and configure
>> your mail client to do the same. (I think....I could be wrong, though,
>> anyone can correct me if I am!!)=20
>The server can listen on the other port as long as it wants to, but
>how are remote mailservers trying to send him mail to know which
>port that is? That is his problem!

You're right, I did not understand the problem

>> >I'm worried that I can't do this, but I'm out of
>> >other ideas or alternate high-speed ISP's.  If
>> >not, any suggestions on other ways to get around
>> >this (roadrunner only blocks port 25, will unblock
>> >it for additional $150/month,=20
>That does sound steep, but then ADSL usually is considered
>a client-access product and not for servers etc.
>What you'd need is a proxy-mailserver outside that knows your
>port# and just forwards all mails to you. I don't know of anyone
>providing such a service...

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