TXT record

Bill Manning bmanning at ISI.EDU
Wed Jan 3 11:03:26 UTC 2001

% On Tue, 02 Jan 2001 23:19:16 -0500, Kevin Darcy wrote:
% >So if you're considering using TXT fields as a
% >kind of "meta-database" within the DNS database, I'd say follow the
% >received wisdom of the protocol gods and seriously consider using some
% >other repository instead (not that the received wisdom is always *right*,
% >of course, but it does bear serious consideration and respect). If you're
% >not considering any such thing, then at least this might help explain why
% >TXT records are extremely rare...
% Earlier on the list I saw someone mention that hand-maintained zone
% files had one benefit over DDNS: comments. I had seen the TXT records
% mentioned so this made me wonder if they were suitable for storing
% those comments in.
% Ken
% mailto:shiva at well.com
% http://www.sewingwitch.com/ken/

Yes they are. And with a nod to Kevin, the "protocol gods" created TXT
records and they are used extensivly. For folk that want to use LDAP
style hooks, there is always the NAPTR RR... much less used than TXT,
at least for now.


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