Dynamic DNS on Secondard Nameserver

Kenneth Porter shiva at well.com
Tue Feb 27 06:39:37 UTC 2001

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001 12:06:15 -0600, Thomas B wrote:

>I have a Linux box using Bind 8 and I want to move our DHCP services from
>Linux to Windows 2000 to facilitate DHCP and DDNS. Eventually, the Windows
>server will be the primary as I need to incorporate a WINS server as well.

Until politics forced me to relinquish DHCP to an NT box, I was running
BIND, DHCP, and WINS all on a Linux server. I had to move the WINS
server (Samba 2.0.7) to NT for a marketing reason: M$ doesn't make
public the WINS replication protocol, and I had to be able to replicate
with WINS servers at other sites running on M$ boxen. Right now I've
got both ISC and M$ DHCP servers with ISC acting as backup, and the NT
box is running as the backup DNS server.

ISC DHCP 3 with DDNS works well together with BIND 8. Join the ISC DHCP
server mailing list for assistance.

mailto:shiva at well.com
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