denied update from...

Kamesh Patel cs97kkp at
Mon Feb 26 14:04:11 UTC 2001


I have a problem, its to do with the following entry in my logs

Feb 26 14:01:29 monty named[2696]: denied update from [].1294
for "theviews"
Feb 26 13:33:40 monty named[2696]: denied update from [].1267
for ""

I am running a win2k machine which is wanting an update from the dhcp server
(dhcpd_v3pl18), the dhcp server requests to bind/named (bind_v8.2.3) for an
entry to be created for the IP address but I get the above error message.

I have tried it under win98 and it seems to work fine can you help, please!



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