Server is done priming.

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Feb 26 11:24:26 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Lee" == Lee Chew-Seng <Lee.Chew-Seng at> writes:

    Lee> server IS NOT loading its pconfiguration

    Lee> could anyone of you advise me how should i solve this
    Lee> problem? thanks.

Upgrade to the latest version of BIND. It does not print this
confusing message. BTW the message means the server is running fine.
[If you'd consulted the liost archives you'd have found this question
has been asked and answered MANY times. Sigh.] The latest version of
BIND8, 8.2.3, prints a clearer status message. It also does not have
the known security holes that are in whatever version of BIDN you're

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