8.2.3 BIND compile problems

Lee, Elizabeth Elizabeth.Lee.contractor at fnmoc.navy.mil
Fri Feb 23 16:53:33 UTC 2001

I am following the INSTALL instructions for BIND 8.2.3, trying to compile on
a Solaris 2.6 box.  Since I do not want to install into /usr/local, I have
modified the Makefile.set.sun to the location I wish to use (/opt/bind), and
moved it to Makefile.set.  The first four steps go swimmingly, but on the
make install, ALL the path names are HARD-CODED in the makefiles, and the
variables I have defined are not used!  
Why is this different than the instructions?  I am not a veteran at
compiling -- I have been the happy installer of many shrink-wrapped boxes of
software packages at mega-corporations and have little experience with make
and its mysteries.  It appears that ALL of the makefiles in the install step
do indeed have /usr/local hardcoded into the process!  I have tried using
the "-e" with the make install to try to force it to recognize my preset
variables to no avail.  I am annoyed the instructions are not correct, I am
annoyed that the PATH name is hardcoded, and I am REALLY annoyed that I must
modify EVERY makefile in the make install step.  Any way around this?

(Elizabeth) Annette Lee
Monterey California

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