Problems on Solaris8

Jim Reid jim at
Tue Feb 20 12:38:19 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Patrick" == Patrick Baer <patrick.baer at> writes:

    Patrick> I am not making it to compile and run BIND 9.0.0 on my
    Patrick> Solaris-boxes.  When I install it and try to run with
    Patrick> nothing but a named.root and db.127 I'll get the error:

    Patrick> s2:/var/named $ 
    Patrick> Feb 20 11:17:56 s2 named[4616]: [ID 866145 daemon.notice] starting BIND 9.0.0 
    Patrick> Feb 20 11:17:56 s2 named[4616]: [ID 866145 daemon.error] master.c:150: unexpected error:
    Patrick> Feb 20 11:17:56 s2 named[4616]: [ID 866145 daemon.error] isc_lex_gettoken() failed: unexpected end of input

    Patrick> The named.root is okay and loads fine with BIND8, any
    Patrick> know what I am doing wrong?

You have syntax errors in the zone file that BIND8 tolerated. BIND9
doesn't. You should be running the current BIND9 release, not 9.0.0.
The latest version of BIND9 comes with tools for syntax checking zone
files and named.conf. Use them. The most common reason for the
"unexpected EOF" error is a TXT record without a terminating

    Patrick> On another Sol8 box I could avoid this problem (god knows
    Patrick> why...), but when loading it stalks with:

    Patrick> Feb 20 12:04:05 /usr/local/sbin/named[4353]: binding TCP  socket: address in use
    Patrick> Feb 20 12:04:05 last message repeated 55 times
    Patrick> Feb 20 12:04:05 /usr/local/sbin/named[4353]: could not listen on UDP socket: not enough free resources

    Patrick> The machine is running with almost idle, so I am a little
    Patrick> confused about the requirements of BIND9?

One requirement any name server needs is the ability to bind to port
53 and wait for incoming queries. The name server on
failed to do this because the port number was already in use,
presumably by an already running name server.

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