newbie - MX at nonstandard port setup in BIND

Jim Reid jim at
Fri Feb 16 13:59:49 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Pedro" == Pedro Zorzenon Neto <pzn at> writes:

    Pedro>   I have a mail server that I want to receive mail.  As my
    Pedro> ISP policy is not let me receive incoming conections on
    Pedro> port 25, I set up my mail server in a non standard port.
    Pedro> Now comes the question: How do I specify in the DNS server
    Pedro> (BIND 8.2.3) that a MX is in a non standard port?

You can't. There's nothing in MX records to support this. It could be
done with SRV records, but mail systems don't look for them: they just
look for MX records. You've two choices: pick another ISP or subvert
the existing ISP's policy and hope they don't find out. eg Have your
mail delivered somewhere which has been specially configured to
forward it to your mail server using a delivery mechanism which
doesn't involve a connection to port 25. I suppose you could also try
reasoning with your ISP to get their policy changed.

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