Zone Transfer Problem

Jim Reid jim at
Fri Feb 16 11:11:29 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Dirk" == Dirk Schulten <dirk.schulten at> writes:

    Dirk> How can I check without the Chaosnet TXT which version is
    Dirk> running just to evaluate the risks?

Hostmasters have been known to make the Chaosnet TXT string tell lies,
so you shouldn't rely on that. Have you tried asking the people
running the servers? Or probe their servers with queries or protocol
features that are known to be supported in particular versions of
BIND? Script kiddies take a rather different approach to probing, but
that's unethical.

    >> Personally speaking, if an ISP is so clueless that they still
    >> run BIND4 years after it has been declared dead, I would not
    >> give them my business. If they can't keep their DNS software
    >> reasonably up to date and in good order, where else are they
    >> falling down?

    Dirk> My only problem are the dns servers, as I don't care about
    Dirk> the rest, since they do not affect us in any way.


You seem to be saying your ISP does nothing for you apart from slave
DNS. Is that *really* true? And if it is, why are you doing business
with them when they're running dead DNS software? If it's false - I
presume they route packets and provide bandwidth to you - you have to
consider that they might not be doing that properly either. [Maybe
their routers are wide open or running old, buggy code.] As I said
before, if they can't look after their DNS service properly what else
are they mismanaging?

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