Possible System Compromise

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Wed Feb 14 13:37:22 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Roesen <droesen at entire-systems.com> writes:

    >> Er, no. The name server binds to port 53 before it gives up its
    >> super user privileges and run as some other UID. How else could
    >> the name server work if it didn't listen on port 53? And to do
    >> that named has to explicitly bind() to that port number.

    Daniel> This is right for the TCP _listening_ socket of the server
    Daniel> side. We were talking about outgoing TCP queries by the
    Daniel> resolver side of BIND.

Those outbound TCP queries should use a random, non-privileged port
number. Here's what's in the BIND8 documentation:

	<P>Note: <CODE>query-source</CODE> currently applies only to
	UDP queries; TCP queries always use a wildcard IP address and
	a random unprivileged port.

And in the BIND9 ARM it says:

	<para><command>query-source</command> currently applies only
	to UDP queries; TCP queries always use a wildcard IP address and
	a random unprivileged port.</para></note></sect3>

So if you're seeing different behaviour, it's a bug.

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