Rehashing split views et al in bind 9.1

Cott Lang cott at
Fri Feb 9 17:44:18 UTC 2001

>>of external domains in both the internal and external view. However,
>>doesn't appear to work within a view?!  This seems rather unbelievable to
>>me - am I doing something wrong?
>Not my experience. $include (not #include, of course), seems to work fine
>here. The zone files referenced in my named.conf contain only one
>$include line for the external view, and two $include lines for the
>internal view. All the rest is in the included files.

I'm talking about using include (no, not #include :)) in the actual
named.conf file, not in the zone files... I see the advantage in using
$include in the zone files, but that doesn't seem to help my situation of
having hundreds of zones, most of which need to be fed to internal &
external users - unless there's a conditional zone include I could use only
on my two domains that I need different.  I assume one can't define the same
zone twice with different allow-query strings... :)


view "internal" {
  zone "myinternalzone" {

  include;    // includes my 100+ zones

view "external" {
  match-clients { any; };
  include;    // includes my 100+ zones

I get a parsing error on any include lines inside a zone. If I moved it
outside a zone, it works fine.

I should add the problem with using forwarding is that internal clients
(including DNS servers) can't go outside the firewall using NAT and make a
connection to a public IP on the same firewall....


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