next problem..

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Feb 7 13:58:25 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew Thompson <matthewt at> writes:

    Matthew> try replacing the first line with
    Matthew> @ IN SOA  localhost.

    Matthew> You're missing the IN out - Bind doesn't know that it's
    Matthew> an Internet address you're specifying without it.

Er no. Firstly, the default class will be IN (internet) if this isn't
explicitly defined in the file or its zone{} statement. Secondly a SOA
record does not define "an Internet address". Thirdly, your advice
doesn't fix the actual problem which is a syntax error.

The zone file does not conform to the syntax defined in Section 5 of
RFC1035. The opening parenthesis must be on the same line of the file
that starts the definition of the resource record. It's supposed to
indicate that the RR is continued over another line or lines in the
zone file. So what the original poster had was an incomplete SOA
record followed by a bunch of meaningless and syntactically invalid
strings grouped over a number of lines in the file.

The original poster has a syntactically incorrect zone file that old
versions of BIND tolerated.

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