No SOA RR found

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Feb 7 12:26:52 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin  <Martin> writes:

    Martin> Hi all, I'm sure this question has been asked before but I
    Martin> have searched through the archives and can't find exactly
    Martin> what I'm looking for. I have a bind 8.2.3-T6B running on a
    Martin> FreeBSD box as a secondary DNS querying a bind 8.2.3-REL
    Martin> server on a RedHat box. When the server attempts to
    Martin> connect to the master I get the message "No SOA RR
    Martin> found".

This means the master server doesn't have a SOA record for the zone.
Check that server's log files: there's probably a syntax error in the
zone file.

    Martin> The files were generated using Webmin...

    Martin> (
    Martin>	981452923
    Martin>	10800
    Martin>	3600
    Martin>	432000
    Martin>	38400)

I suspect the fussier zone file parser in 8.2.3 expects white space
between the final (TTL) element of the SOA record and the closing 
parenthesis. Your server logs will confirm this one way or the other.
Earlier versions of BIND had a more tolerant - and also more
inconsistent - zone file parser.

If this is the problem complain to the authors of Webmin, whatever
that is, because it's generating syntactically incorrect zone files.

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