DNS Cache, database backends...

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Wed Feb 7 09:33:48 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Forrest" == Forrest Aldrich <forrie at navipath.com> writes:

    Forrest> One of the penalties of stopping and restarting your
    Forrest> server (necessary sometimes) is losing the rich cache the
    Forrest> machine has built up.  I'm wondering if there is some way
    Forrest> to dump that cache into a file, and have named re-read
    Forrest> that upon startup -- and then proceed as usual (ie:
    Forrest> expiring that which isn't valid, etc).

In principle this could be done if someone wrote the code. In practice
there's no point. Who's to say what data in the cache dump file is
valid when the server read in this file at startup (assuming it
could)? The solution to this "problem" is simple. Don't stop and
restart your name servers! This should only be needed when the DNS
software is changed. Of if the cache is full of garbage in which case
you don't ever want to preserve that data.

    Forrest> Is anyone working on a mysql backend for Bind-9?

Very probably. A toy database back-end is provided in contrib/sdb in
BIND9. This serves as proof of concept. It also gives a database/SQL
programmer some pointers about how to integrate a real database with

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