Summary. Was: My zone serial number is messed up!

Craig Findlay craig at
Mon Feb 5 21:09:07 UTC 2001

Thanks to all who replied to my original post.

The problem with my serial numbers is now fixed, so I thought I would
summarise the replies I received.

To recap, my original serial number had been accidentally changed to
12001012303, which had overflowed the 32 bit unsigned integer field which is
used by BIND to store the serial number.

I wanted the new serial number to be 1.

To make this happen, I worked out the serial number value that I would need
to put in my zone file, based on satisfying the following conditions:

# to end up with a serial number of 1
Must have a mod 2^32 remainder of 1

# to make the secondary name servers do a zone transfer
Must be greater than my original serial number

Thus the number I used was 12884901889, which is 3*(2^32) + 1

I edited my zone file, restarted the name server and presto, I had a serial
number of 1.

I checked to see that all the secondaries updated correctly, which they did.
To make sure everything was working right I updated the zone file again and
changed the serial to 2. The primary and secondaries updated correctly

That's it :) Thanks again to everyone who helped me. I hope this can help
someone in a similar situation.

Craig Findlay

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