Dynamic DNS

Pierre LEONARD Pierre.Leonard at edf.fr
Fri Feb 2 14:32:13 UTC 2001


I currently manage a zone with  dynamic DNS, but I have no secondary DNS.
And,  I am looking to manage a secondary DNS on an other network.
Unfortunetly, the only computer I have outside my network are accessible with dynamic IP address.

The architecture is the following :

- a first computer manage the zone tyty.fr and give a delegation for the domain pierre.tyty.fr to the second computer,

- the second computer which has static address, is my dynamic DNS; It manage the zone pierre.tyty.fr

- the third computer, which has a dynamic a address, is designed by another DNS : toto.fr, and I want that he became the secondary DNS for pierre.tyty.fr

So My question is simple, Is it possible to have a secondary DNS on a computer accessible with a dynamic IP address. 

I Thank you in advance for your answers .

Pierre Léonard

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