Secondary not updating after upgrade to 8.2.3

Carol Deihl carol-list at
Fri Feb 2 12:27:31 UTC 2001

A couple of suggestions to try, learned the hard way:

- If you are running bind chroot'ed, and if your named-xfer is
compiled dynamically-linked, ensure that the necessary libraries
are at appropriate places in the chroot area. For example, you may
need something like /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/
Try running named-xfer by hand and see if it complains. Apparently
when it's started by named, if the libraries aren't present, it
doesn't complain to any log files or other visible place that I
could find.

- Double-check any IP addresses in your named.conf file,
on both the master and the slave servers, especially in these
options (if you use them): listen-on, allow-transfer, query-source,
and transfer-source 

Hope this helps.

>I  have set up a test environment to test an upgrade from bind 8.2.2_P7 to
>8.2.3.  I have set up one server which acts as the master and holds all of
>the zone files.  I set up a second one that acts as a slave to the master.
>I upgraded the slave to 8.2.3 and now it doesn't update it's files when
>changes are made on the master.  I see in the logs that the notify was
>received but the files never change.  This test environment is similiar to
>my real setup which I don't want to screw up.
Carol Deihl - principal, Shrier and Deihl - mailto:carol at
Remote Unix Network Admin, Security, Internet Software Development
  Tinker Internet Services - Superior FreeBSD-based Web Hosting

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