Should bind 9 be installed in chrooted environment?

Eivind Olsen eivind.olsen at
Sun Dec 23 11:14:29 UTC 2001

--On 22. desember 2001 17:57 +0400 Angelina Paunovic <paun at> 
> Hi all,
> I have some doubts regarding running bind 9 in chrooted environment.
> I run bind 9 in charooted environment and it crashed a few times with
> error
> pointing at time variable in some bind subroutines.
> I downloaded binaries from (Solaris 8, SPARC).
> I guess it was crashing because something was and still is missing in
> chrooted environment.

If the fault you get mentions that the "tv_usec out of range" or something 
like that, then it's apparantly something that's caused by a bug in 
Solaris. I've seen it a few times here as well earlier. I don't think it's 
related to the chroot-ing at all.

You could of course contact Sun and tell them to fix the bug, but I doubt 
they'd fix it. The only statement I've seen from Sun on this matter is 
basically something like "Ok, so gettimeofday() might give incorrect values 
from time to time. If it does, just try it again.".

You say you run BIND 9, but don't mention which version. My guess is that 
you're running BIND 9.1.3 or older. BIND 9.2.0 has a workaround for that 
bug, so you might consider upgrading to BIND 9.2.0? Or, you could do what 
we did here - there are two files in the BIND 9.1.3 source-code that refers 
to the tv_usec value, and these files can be replaced with the same files 
from BIND 9.2.0 (which contains the workaround for the bug). Sorry, but I 
don't remember which files those were. Then, recompile it as normal and you 
have BIND 9.1.3 with the workaround.

Talk To You Later
Eivind Olsen

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