DNS performance - Would this work ?

Simon Waters Simon at wretched.demon.co.uk
Fri Dec 21 10:09:51 UTC 2001

Fat Albert wrote:
> I did a "top" command on our primary DNS server and noticed that it
> was like at 95% usage. I was wondering if I updated the
> /etc/nscd.config file and updated the cache time for host to longer
> than an hour, which is what it's set at now to maybe 4 hrs. Would
> improve performance ?

It might but it would be nothing to do with DNS.

If you say what domains you host we might give advice on the TTL
settings for DNS records, which might be your problem.

Is "top" showing named as the process eating the CPU?

Is it Solaris? Is it logging anything in the syslog, or where
ever named is logging?

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