Assign ARPA a pool of address

Pete Ehlke pde at
Fri Dec 14 18:19:55 UTC 2001

* G.Roderick Singleton <gsingleton at> said, on [011214 09:07]:
> yes
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> On 14/12/2001, 10:28:36 AM, "Scott May" <scott at> wrote=20=
> regarding Assign ARPA a pool of address:
> > Is there a way to assign in ARPA a pool of address to one name? For=20=
> instance
> > I want one pool of address' to be assigned to dial-up users and anothe=
> r
> > assigned to DSL users.

How helpful. I'm sure that Mr. May has benefitted greatly from your wit
and wisdom. No, the original question was not clearly posed. And yes,
many people tire of such things- I've been known to post the occasional
smart-alek answer myself in the past, and I've been justifiably slapped
for it. But this is the sort of answer that turns up all too often on
That Other dns-related list, and it just does absolutely nothing to help
anyone. If your response to a post contains nothing that can possibly
help the poster or others, please show some restraint and some
class by just not responding, OK?

Mr May:

It's not clear what your question really is. Do you want to take, say,
half of a /24 for each group of users, and generate unique PTR records
for each of them, using a common identifier to distinguish dsl from
dial? You could do something like this:

$GENERATE 1-127 $ PTR 192-168-0-$
$GENERATE 128-254 $ PTR 192-168-0-$

Or, if you *really* want to assign them all to one name, as you asked,

$GENERATE 128-254 $ PTR

Though it's not clear to me what that would get you.

It occurs to me that you might also be asking about how to differentiate
dialup from dsl users in your DHCP configuration. That can certainly be
done, but you should ask in a dhcp forum rather than this one.


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