Servfail When Resolving certain domains

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Dec 10 21:36:32 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Robert" == England, Robert (Robert) <england at> writes:

    Robert> I'm trying to figure out why our DNS servers are having
    Robert> intermittent problems getting to a hand full of domains on
    Robert> a consistent basis. Below is one of the domain names we
    Robert> continually have issues with. We run a BIND 8.2.4
    Robert> environment.
    Robert> $ /usr/sbin/dig mx

The delegation for is messed up. The servers for .com say
it is served by and
However neither of these servers is authoritative for this zone. Both
of them claim the zone is served by a different set of name servers,
only one of which -- -- is listed in the
parent zone. And that server isn't authoritative for it. Complain to
the administrators of both zones. How you do this is left as an
exercise to the reader. :-)

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