found host? host not found?

koji watanabe diet at
Mon Dec 10 11:06:19 UTC 2001

Dear Mike,

Thank you for an instant answer.

|> We have a sparc-solaris8 box in named (8.1.2) and sendmail
|> (8.9.3).
|Upgrade. BIND 8.1.2 has several root exploits.
|Also sendmail is at 8.12 by now, but that is nowhere near as critical
|an upgrade as your BIND installation. Check

Yes. Although I think that we also want to carry out early, 
there is no opportunity which can stop what is moving very much,
 and I am troubled. I will make URL you teach me reference.

|> That means he was acquire "EXCHANGER.DOMAIN.DOM" as MX,
|> but he can't getA record of that?
|There is no "dom" TLD. According to dig:
|	; <<>> DiG 9.2.0 <<>> dom. ns +norec
|	;; global options:  printcmd
|	;; Got answer:
|	;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 55693
|	;; flags: qr aa; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
|	;dom.                           IN      NS
|	.                       86400   IN      SOA     A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 2001120901 1800 900 604800 86400
|	;; Query time: 180 msec
|	;; SERVER:
|	;; WHEN: Mon Dec 10 11:18:38 2001
|	;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 96

I am sorry that explanation is insufficient...
The domain of this problem is our customer's domain, and the 
name is hidden. I am sorry.
"domain.dom" is a fictitious domain. Theres no TLD named "dom".

Although names differ, the composition of a customer's domain
is this passage.

|If you obfuscated your log entries, zone file, host names and e-mail
|address, and the problem is intermittent: check all delegated name
|servers. There is no way anyone can help you with that unless you tell
|us what your system sees.

# It understands. I want to make it clear, but I cannot.
# I know that impossible wish..

What does it generally opinion-get in a thing with appropriate 
thinking in the case of such sendmail log?


koji watanabe (diet at

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