Windows NT DNS Resolver performance?

Pawlak, Andrew S. andrew_pawlak at
Wed Dec 5 19:04:56 UTC 2001


Can anyone tell me what the performace of the Windows NT 4.0 DNS resolver
is?  How many queries/second can it handle?

I wrote a simple script that performs thousands of valid sequntial DNS
queries in an effort to try to find out where my DNS servers start to sweat
from the load.  (obviously I'm doing this on a test server that is
configured exactly like on of my production boxes)  However no matter how
many instances of the script I run, the traffic to the DNS server doesn't
grow as I would expect.  I assume this is becasue the NT resolver is the
bottleneck.  If I run it on two seperate clients, the DNS server traffic
increases.  I'm trying to figure out how many clients I may need to perform
this test.  Thanks.

PS.  I'm aware that a BIND server (of which mine are Bind 8.2.4) can handle
several thousand queries/second, however this is running on very old
hardware and want to get some hard numbers on my old production system
compared to a new server for "justification" to eventually upgrade them.
Please let me know if I'm way off base here.  Thanks again.

Andrew Pawlak
IS Communications, Merck & Co.
E-Mail: andrew_pawlak at

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