Newbie MX Q. - Not Propagating?

Danny Mayer mayer at
Sun Dec 2 13:20:17 UTC 2001

At 11:39 AM 12/1/01, Dave Bushnell wrote:
>But all the mail is still arriving on the old Sun box.  Does it take longer
>for MX-related things to update?  Is there someone I can call?  :-) Very
>frustrating.  Any suggestions you can make would be great, or any tool
>recommendations as well, I'm a little worried that we'll reach Monday
>morning without any luck.
How long it takes depends on the TTL of the MX records.  There's noone to
call unless it never happens.  The MX records are cached by the machines
that regularly send mail to your domain so they don't go back and ask for
them again until the record expires.


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